A clear non-toxic coating
to prevent fouling of hull

The most revolutionary, superior, clear, environmentally friendly, foul-release product that replaces heavy, ablative, polluting bottom paint and provides improved vessel performance.
A simple one-part procedure, does not require special equipment
A safe non-toxic alternative to traditional antifouling paints
Long-lasting solution that protects underwater hull
Increased vessel
performance &
significant fuel savings
Hull Maxx™️ works because it's slick, not because it's toxic!
- Salone nautico Venezia (from 31th May to 4th June 2023)
We will be present at the Salone Nautico!
For appointments please contact nr. +39 335 165 5552 or
write us an e-mail!


15-17 November 2023:
We have a stand at location:
HALL 12, stand nr. 12.141
ph:+39 335 1655552
Hull Maxx™️ application is a simple procedure and does not require any special equipment. It is as basic as painting your hull surface with the product; yet surface preparation is critical for the success of the application and the use of the coating.
Hull Maxx™️ may also be applied over existing bottom paint. If that is your condition, please check the application guide PDF.
We recommend that you coat 5 to 10 cm above the actual waterline to help foul-protect that area and to provide for easier cleaning.
Hull Maxx requires a clean surface free of any oils, salt, contaminants or wax. De-wax the hull if applicable. Please make sure to use gloves to keep skin oils from contaminating the surface.
- For boats that have been in salt water, wash the surface area with Palm Olive, Dawn or other similar dish detergent to remove any soluble salts from the porosity. Do not use specialty boat cleaner soaps that may contain protective additives or waxes.
- Sand by hand or with dual-action sander, using 320 grit paper. After sanding you should see a flat, non-glossy consistent finish across the hull. Be sure there are no glossy spots left on the surface; repeat process if you see any remaining gloss.
- Rinse with clean water (water hose or pressure wash) to make sure all paint chalk/residue is removed. Allow to dry to make sure the entire area has been scuffed. From this step onwards, you must wear gloves at all times when touching any surface that is to be coated.
- After dry, wipe the hull surface with odorless mineral spirits or denatured alcohol. Allow it to dry for at least 3 to 5 minutes.
- Wipe on Nasco’s “Adhesion Promoter Primer” with a small applicator pad to the hull surface. Please note that a little goes a long way. Primer will turn cloudy in 5 to 7 minutes. Hull Maxx must be applied within 30 minutes of single Primer application. If the 30-minute window is missed, simply apply another coat of Primer to that area. Make sure the surface is completely coated with primer. Depending on vessel size and due to the application window, we recommend that you apply our Primer and Hull Maxx in sections or have one person apply Primer followed by another 5-10 minutes later who rolls on the Hull Maxx.
1. Apply Hull Maxx on top of the primer with a foam roller or brush so that it won’t pick up any lint. We recommend 50% overlap in its application to ensure full coverage.
Sufficient Hull Maxx coating requires a thick wet film of at least 6 mil (0.152mm) thickness. You are looking for a consistently wet (but not runny) and uniform coverage. You should hear a slight stickiness sound as you roll back and forth; if you do not, you are not applying enough product. As you are applying Hull Maxx, we recommend that you inspect your work every 4 to 5 feet to ensure consistent application.. Watch out for runs, high spots and low spots. Make sure the surface is completely coated with Hull Maxx.
Hull Maxx can also be applied over existing traditional antifouling!

Nasco has products that have been used and tested for years. They have been applied to and tested on products, equipment and structures in the harshest of conditions, including on the International Space Station, and they have remained effective for many years. In the marine industry, Nasco Worldwide has a comprehensive and industry changing product line including protective, foul-release and anti-corrosive coatings, coatings that protect against damage from heat, moisture and that can increase a vessel’s hydrophobic capacity and therefore performance. We also have cleaning products that are far superior to those currently on the market. We design our products to be user friendly and cost effective by saving you application time and labor and the need for future maintenance and reapplication.
We encourage you to try our products and see just how excellent they are. We are confident that you will agree that Nasco Worldwide products add value to your assets, business and ultimately your customers.
Ocean Call represents Hull Maxx™️ and other Nasco WorldWide ( superior marine products in Europe.
Since 1990 your reliable and trustworthy partner in the world of yachting.
Hull Maxx™️ application is a simple procedure and does not require any special equipment. It is as basic as painting your hull surface with the product; yet surface preparation is critical for the success of the application and the use of the coating. Hull Maxx™️ may also be applied over existing bottom paint.
Yes, Hull Maxx is non-toxic and designed to stay on the hull unlike the polluting toxins found in traditional anti-fouling bottom paints, many of which are designed to come off in the water over time. As it is non-toxic, it can be air shipped for quick delivery, even internationally.
Hull Maxx has a silicone component which makes it highly hydrophobic meaning it repels or does not mix well with water. That quality gives it its speed and fuel performance. The product chemistry also makes it difficult for algae and barnacles to attach to it thus making it much easier to clean than traditional anti-fouling products or uncoated hulls.
Hull Maxx is used with exceptional performance globally.
Yes, the application process is very straightforward but be sure to closely follow the specified hull preparation and application instructions. Two persons should be involved in order to avoid having to reapply the Performance Prep Cleaner (Adhesion Promoter-Primer) if Hull Muxx is not applied over it within the specified window of time.
Allow for a minimum of 36 hours of cure time before submerging the vessel
At this juncture, Hull Maxx has been on a water kept vessel for 30 months now with no signs of failure. As the product has a silicone component, which is a long lasting material, we expect a much longer duration but at this time we cannot provide such guidance.
Reference CLICK
No, Hull Maxx will remain effective and not discolor due to extended times out of the water.
Like any water kept vessel, regular hull maintenance is required; however, cleaning is much easier than traditional anti-fouling paint and does not require scraping and harsh scrubbing. The frequencey of cleaning is dependent on each user’s unique water conditions and frequency of use (as water friction alone aids in cleaning). We recommend the existing maintenance schedule be kept until such time as a user determines that their unique situation allows it to be modified. Detailed maintenance directions and recommended tools are provided.
No, Hull Maxx will remain effective and not discolor due to extended times out of the water
Yes, it can be pressure cleaned; however if growth has been allowed to dry out on the hull after haul out, a good soap down of the hull should be done first in order to soften the scum/growth. Scraping with metal tools and stiff brushes at any time and use of recommended tools on dried out growth will damage the coating.
You may pressure wash Hull Maxx using 2,500psi, no less than 45 degree angle and no closer than 30cm.
Individual results will vary; however, we have had numerous Hull Maxx users report increased speed and performance over traditional anti-fouling bottom paints and even over uncoated gel coat.
Individual results will vary; however as Hull Maxx is highly hydrophobic (even more than uncoated gel coat), users can expect fuel savings over the high drag of traditional anti-fouling bottom paints.
We sell Hull Maxx by the quart (1L) due to its high spread rate. Each quart will cover approx. 10 – 11m2. Application above the recommended mil thickness will result in the need for more product and is not necessary. Feel free to reach out to us for product calculations.
No, if the Hull Maxx is clearly still adhering to the hull and is not compromised, it does not need to be removed. It can be recoated to itself if any compromised/damaged areas are properly cleaned and prepped in accordance with all application instructions and Hull Maxx is feathered into the surrounding previously coated areas.
Yes, Hull Maxx can be used on a hull previously coated with anti-fouling paint through a hot coating process. The antifouling should be sanded and prepped in accordance with standard practices, coated with a fresh coat of antifouling paint and while it is still tacky, Hull Maxx is rolled on with a foam roller as usual. As the antifouling dries over a 24 hour period, it will lock in the Hull Maxx and the user will benefit from all of Hull Maxx’ hydrophobic qualities including ease of cleaning, increased speed and performance and fuel savings. (ONLY IF NON-ABLATIVE, HARD ANTI-FOULING BOTTOM PAINT IS USED).
While the coating dries firm, proper protection of the hull should be undertaken before moving a vessel with a crane (non-abrasive straps, use of wax paper between straps and hull for newly coated hull, etc.) and minimization of any shifting of the boat while in the straps by securing the straps to boat cleats. As the product is highly slippery by design, always use caution when moving the boat with a fork lift or other machinery.
It is not necessary to replace the coating on the entire hull if there is hull damage. It can be recoated to itself if any compromised/damaged areas are properly cleaned and prepped in accordance with all application instructions and Hull Maxx is feathered into the surrounding previously coated areas.
We produce a remover which once applied softens Hull Maxx allowing the vast majority of it to be removed with a pressure washer. Any remaining residual is removed when the hull is buffed out using a wool buffing pad and Nasco’s Marine Clean, our hull restoration product.

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- +39 335 165 5552

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